Skiing racing includes following main events: alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, ski jumping, freestyle skiing, and Biathlon etc.
竞技滑雪包括以下几个主要项目: 高山滑雪, 北欧滑雪, 跳台滑雪, 自由式滑雪和现代冬季两项等.
——期刊摘选The events were skating, jumping skiing, alpine skiing and biathlon.
共有滑冰 、 越野滑雪 、 高山滑雪、现代冬季几个项目.
——期刊摘选Alpine skiing consists of downhill , slalom and giant slalom.
高山滑雪由滑降 、 小回转和大回转(障碍滑雪)组成.
期刊摘选Alpine skiing consists of the downhill , super G, giant slalom, slalom and combined.
高山滑雪包括高山速降, 超级大回转比赛, 小回转比赛, 大回转比赛和高山滑雪混合赛.
期刊摘选The main objective for alpine skiing is to turn.
互联网Alpine skiing is the key item of business for us to develop winter tourism.
互联网Alpine skiing is more dangerous and so more exciting.
互联网The earliest organization of alpine skiing was the Alps Ski Club, founded in UK in 1907.
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